Saturday, 15 March 2014

March 8th. A brief Musical Interlude

My eldest was performing in Morpeth this evening.  In the interest of family dynamics (prevention of open warfare !) It seemed a fairly reasonable idea that an evening with the English Philharmonic, may indeed, soothe the savage breast / beast (insert as appropriate)
 Although I arrived with masses of time to spare; we entered the Hall, only to find it was jam-packed ... culture for the masses ... 
Spying three empty seats right in the front row: with elbows akimbo, I shoved through the gathered thong, their plastic wine glasses wildly punctuating the orchestra's tuning, with the two youngest (He-Who-Believes-He-Should-Be-Obeyed having been abandoned in the lambing shed with a corned beef sandwich, chuntering, not so quietly, and certainly not under his breath, "Suppose ...  Alright for some ...") and allowed myself a smug, self congratulatory, smirk.  Too late did I realise that two feet away from the percussion section (Cymbals !) was not the ideal spot ! ... 
"So, Mummy," asked the youngest, "Is this going to be Rock or Pop ? Aren't there an awful lot of elderlies here ?  (PC in schools doesn't allow us to use the word 'Old' anymore) ... 'Will they be okay do you think ?"
It was a wonderful first half. We left soon after. Much as I generally enjoy Faure's Requiem, I  really did feel that we'd had enough gnashing of teeth for one evening ...

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

March 4th

Anticipation is mounting in the Lambing Shed ...

Medical supplies have been double checked . . .
Tea; coffee; a kettle and warm blanket are now in situ . . .
Game plans are finalised ..

All is, seemingly, tranquil ...

Give it two weeks, this shed is going to look very different: Think Sweeny Todd's cellar ... lambs flinging themselves into the world like horizontal Jacks In The Boxes ... toddling bloodily and greasily around, blaring little voices hitting unbelievable decibel levels ...

He-who-believes-he-should-be-obeyed has altered his predictions from gloomy to dire ...

........................................ The sun shines on the righteous ....

Monday, 3 March 2014

March 3rd 2014

To paraphrase Fu Manchu ..."The World will hear from me again" ... well; maybe a dozen or so souls anyway ...

Lambing is now upon us.The first pair have arrived safely and we just await the onslaught to follow.
He-who-believes-he-should-be-obeyed, beset by doom, has developed a, rather irritating, twitch; is nursing the return of his ulcer and gloomily predicting the unleashing of demonic forces, in wooly form, sometime within the next month  ....
Of course, there is one unassailable truth to lambing: It is finite. Nature will follow her course: We just have to acknowledge her superior talents and run with it. Each of the ewes must deliver's just our job to do the best that we can to see their lambs safely into this world ... but, hey, these are sheep ... Kamikaze from birth ...
My stocks of 'Pepto Bismol' sit, smilingly, on the top pantry shelf ...